In order to try and ensure that each child only received one raffle ticket, we marked their hands with a magic marker. Well, magic markers and sweat don't mix so well and the magic properties wear off, as do the marks! While some kids were seen busily trying to speed this process by rubbing frantically at the spot on the backs of their hands, other kids were returning to us quite concerned that their marks had worn off and asked for a new mark.

One of the more entertaining aspects of the day was watching the volunteers try to get the tents set up to shade us all from the beating sun. That is, it was entertaining until one of tents got caught by the wind and flipped 'ass over tea kettle' as they say... fortunately all the kids got out of the way of it, and although a few adults were struck, no one was seriously injured.

Thanks to my friend, Marie, who seeing me standing in the morning sun went and bought me a hat!