After returning to Gothenburg from Spain, we began to make preparations for returning home including finishing up some Christmas shopping. The Swedes make a big deal of Christmas and Christmas markets are in abundance. Liseburg (an amusement park in Gothenburg) has one of the largest ones in the country. Unfortunately the day we were to go to Liseburg it was pouring rain so we thought better of it. Aaste and I did attend this Christmas craft market in the oldest secular building in Gothenburg and then went to the Haga neighborhood to sit outside and enjoy our coffee while snuggling under the blankets that are commonly provided by the restaurants.

We flew back to Toronto on December 5 and I was fortunately able to attend my annual Christmas cookie exchange party with my fellow baking friends. We also had a fun tree trimming party, as well as a get-together at my friend Sarah's house.

I departed Toronto on December 24 to join my sister and my mother in Puerto Vallarta Mexico. Aaste will join me there in January.