Aaste and I spent a lovely day touring around the 'Sheeps Head Peninsula", stopping often to take pictures, or explore small villages. (Unfortunately as designated driver I could not sample a pint at the many roadside pubs). We stopped briefly at the site of the Air India Disaster Memorial, which has a lovely seaside garden with gorgeous purply blue hydrangeas.

It was an opportunity to tell Aaste a little sad history that involved her country, Ireland, and India. She was intent upon knowing exactly how many people lost their lives so we spent a few minutes counting the names on the plaque. I can't remember now, but it exceeded 300. She asked what the 'terrorists' were trying to accomplish, and for the life of me I couldn't tell her. It strikes me that 'terrorist' is a term that she has likely known her whole life and I wonder if she is equally aware of the terror of oppression, poverty, and hunger?