Aaste: Central Park
S: Anything else?
A: Well, downtown (Times Square) was pretty neat and I liked that village place like where Carrie (character from Sex and the City) lived.
S: Oh, Greenwich Village. Once we finally found it. (We had some difficulties with directions and ended up walking a bit too long in the scorching heat which A absolutely hates!)
A: Yea.
S: What didn't you like about NY?
A: It's pretty dirty.
S: Would you go to NY again?
A: Maybe, if we stayed in a different neighborhood. One a bit more 'upscale'.
S: You didn't like our neighborhood?
A: Not really. It was kind of unfriendly.
S: Really?
A: Well, sort of. (We were at Central Park West and 103rd - walking west on 103rd to go to Broadway for a bite to eat or a little shopping you passed through an immense, if well cared for, public housing project)
S: But in general I found the people friendlier than I expected. People often asked us if they could help etc.
A: Yes, they were pretty friendly. But our neighborhood just seemed kind of, I don't know, scary sort of - like when I walked home alone after breakfast that time - I felt kind of scared.
S: Yes, I can see that.